February 22, 2012

Animal Farm Soundtrack: Pig Brother is Watching You

The album cover of "Pig Brother is Always Watching"
The name of the album I've 'created' to accompany George Orwell's Animal Farm is called Pig Brother is Watching You. Clever, right? As I was choosing the tracks to be on the album, I wanted to find a variety of songs from different genres. I also decided to try and step a little bit out of my comfort zone - all of the songs I chose, Animal Farm by The Kinks, The Oppressed Song by Bob Marley and the Wailers, Police State by Dead Prez, and It Can Be Done! by The Redskins, aren't on my iPod and I had never heard of them before, except for Steve Vai's Bad Horsie.
My hope in choosing all of these songs is that one would be able to relate them in some way to the ideas in Animal Farm or to the characters. I was able to find connections with these songs and Animal Farm, but I know they aren't the only connections. I hope that as you were listening to this collection of songs I chose that you were able to make some connections of your own. If not that, I hope at least that you enjoy the songs. Viva Communism! (Not really).

1. Animal Farm - The Kinks

2. Bad Horsie - Steve Vai

3. The Oppressed Song - Bob Marley and the Wailers

4. Police State - Dead Prez

5. It Can Be Done - The Redskins


  1. Sweet soundtrack dude! I really like how you have it set up too. Very slick. I also really like the album art. It blends both Animal Farm and 1984 quite nicely.
